Stay in touch and respond to reviews

Customer reviews are more important than ever. Everyone has an opinion and shares it online. With the Resengo ecosystem, you respond quickly and make smart use of reviews.

Honest reviews from real customers
Complete control over your reviews
Use customer reviews to your advantage
Resengo - Ecosystem reviews
Resengo - Bundle all reviews in one place and see more information about your ratings
Bundle all your reviews in one place

1 platform for all your reviews

Every customer experiences your business differently. This experience is shared on dozens of different platforms. Resengo helps you respond quickly to reviews in different platforms. You can do this in the Resengo ecosystem from one clear dashboard.

Use customer reviews to your advantage

Positive reviews or insightful feedback

As a business owner, you get a lot of reviews, positive or negative. Thanks to Resengo's smart dashboard, you can make convenient use of every review. Quickly share a positive review via social media or use the comments you receive to further improve your service.

Receive honest reviews from guests and respond immediately

Keep the upper hand with review management

Connect your online reservation system with various platforms

Take advantage of a wide range of online booking options. Link services like Facebook, Google or Instagram to let your guests schedule an appointment right away.

Link the tools you already use

Do you already use certain services to organise your POS system or social media flow? Resengo integrates seamlessly with many POS systems and tools that help your business move forward.

Stay reachable at all times

Your website is always accessible, even when you're not there. With a user-friendly widget, your guests can always reach you.

Advanced table management

Our smart online reservation system allows you to fill up your tables, with no overbooking or empty tables.

Smart staff planning

View your reservations at a glance and adjust your staff planning according to the expected workload.

Offer last-minute tables

Is your service not fully sold out? In a few clicks, share a message on social media to fill that last table as well.

Roland Hogenelst
Entrepreneur La Cubanita

"Resengo is the perfect system for multi-business owners. The various comprehensive chain solutions they offer really take us forward as restaurant operators. More insight into data, more seats occupied, up-to-date referrals to other restaurants within the same chain. In addition, it is superfine to use for the staff in the restaurants. Resengo is just great!"

Resengo - Roland Hogenelst - La Cubanita
Annick Gevers
Hostess, Café d'O

Resengo is our partner for communication with our guests before and after the visit, for example during the reservation process or with the confirmation and reminder e-mails. Via the comments, guests often pass on essential information or certain questions.

Annick Gevers, hostess of Café d\'O
Benoit Neusy
Chef, Le Domaine d'Arondeau

Resengo is a very complete booking platform. It is very easy to use. At Resengo, they listen to the customer in order to offer appropriate tailor-made solutions.

Resengo - Domaine d\'Arondeau - Benoït Neusy
Lino and Ward
Managers, Brasserie Keizershof

Thanks to Resengo, our customers can book 24/24 on our website in a user-friendly way. No more picking up phones all day!

Resengo - Keizershof Lino & Ward

Build your brand with Resengo

Today, everyone shares their opinions through various online channels. As a business owner, it is often difficult to keep track and respond in a timely manner to reviews your customers have shared online.

For your brand, it is interesting that future guests see how you handle these reviews. Resengo makes it easy for you and provides intelligent tools for review management. Want to discover how well-managed reviews affect your business and brand?

Find out how our tools work and how they can help you!

Resengo - friends in a restaurant
Resengo - couple in coffee bar

Treat yourself to the ease of our platform

Try Resengo for free for one month and discover the benefits of an all-in platform for your business.

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